Mayview Convalescent Center
Mayview Convalescent Center
513 East Whitaker Mill Road
Raleigh, NC 27608
Telephone: (919)828-2348
Dedicated to the people we care for.
Mayview is a geriatric convalescent center devoted to providing residents with the highest quality of life possible. Established in 1957, Mayview is a second generation, family business.
This commitment begins with registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and nursing assistants and extends to the employees who work in dietary, housekeeping, and maintenance.
Everyone who works at Mayview must complete our orientation program to assure their performance reflects our high expectations. And education never stops; in addition to on-the-job learning, we stress continuing in-service education. Our employees are regularly enrolled in programs to update them on the latest methods and theories of convalescent care.
These policies combined with our strict selection procedure are responsible for an exceptional staff of caregivers. Under an experienced management team, these individuals work together to operate one of the finest convalescent centers in the state of North Carolina.
A commitment that begins before admission.
We adhere to an admittance procedure which ensures that the needs of our residents are within the capabilities of our facility and staff. Prior to making an admission decision, we consider an individual’s medication, treatment, dietary requirements, social needs, and recommendations of the resident’s local physician.
Our admissions coordinator will help you through the decision-making process and follow up as necessary.
Before admitting a resident, we thoroughly explain the scope of our services and their costs. All charges are itemized and accompany each monthly statement.
An Active Way Of Life.
Mayview's recreation director plans a variety of daily activities that allow residents to remain actively involved in their interests and to establish new ones. Activities include craft sessions, films, parties, music, and other learning opportunities. Residents can participate in special events, religious services, occasional outings, and performances by various visiting groups. Volunteers assist in numerous one-on-one activities.
Our residents find that Mayview provides an environment that‘s as relaxed or as stimulating as they desire.
Visiting hours are flexible, restricted only in special cases.
We maintain a hair salon and barber shop, personal laundry service, furnished lobbies, television lounges, spacious sun areas, and wooded landscaped grounds.
Mayview is structured to provide an environment in which individuals who face the physical challenges of age and disease can lead stimulating and active lives, while receiving necessary attention and health care.
If you, or someone in your family, are considering a convalescent center, please call for an appointment and visit our facility. You'll find a place that offers the attention you need to be able to live a fulfilling lifestyle in a supportive environment.
Comprehensive Planned Care.
At admission and routinely thereafter each resident is given a comprehensive, multi-discipline assessment. This assessment and the physician’s orders guide the plan of care. Special diets, therapy, exercise, and other individualized services are used to meet identified needs.
Through social workers we provide counseling to help residents and their families make the transition to the new changes in their lives.
