Ridge Rest
Ridge Rest
Home Services About Us Contact Us At Ridge Rest we believe our residents are like our Family. We are dedicated to providing you with peace of mind and quality care. Ridge Rest is an assisted living center nestled in the beautiful foothills of The Great Smoky Mountains in western North Carolina. Ridge Rest is an assisted living, senior care, retirement home for those that need just an extra bit of care.
What is Assisted Living?
Assisted living can be described as a home for seniors who need a little extra care. Most assisted living center provide private rooms for the elderly, a place they can call their own. Assisted living centers also provide 24 hour on site care, providing personal care, help with medicine, housekeeping and transportation.
Assisted living goes by many names, including personal care, residential care, elder care and many others. There are many similarities to nursing home care. The major difference between the two types of elderly care is the type of patient. Assisted living provides assistance for the elderly while nursing homes will take higher care patients.
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