Rights of Nursing Home Residents
Rights of Nursing Home Residents
When the federal government passed the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987, nursing home residents were guaranteed certain rights. In Pennsylvania, the Health Care Facilities Act of 1979 (as amended in 1999) requires nursing homes to meet these minimum federal requirements. Pennsylvania law also requires nursing homes to be responsive and adequate to the needs of its citizens, assure that new health care services and facilities are efficiently and effectively used, continue to meet high quality standards, and assure that all residents receive humane, courteous, and dignified treatment. Under the law, nursing home residents have the following rights:
To be free from verbal, mental and physical abuse; corporal punishment; and involuntary seclusion.
To be free from restraints - both chemical and physical - except as authorized in writing by a doctor for a specified and limited time period or when necessary to protect the resident or other residents from injury.
To have safe, decent, and clean conditions.
To be treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of dignity and individuality, including privacy in treatment and care of personal needs.
To be fully informed by a doctor of his or her medical condition, unless the doctor decides that informing the patient would be against the patient's best interests, and to participate in the planning of medical treatment.
To refuse medical treatment as permitted by law and to be informed of the consequences of refusing medical treatment.
To refuse to participate in experimental research.
To have personal medical records treated in strict confidence.
To have established daily visiting hours.
To have visitation by an ombudsman, personal physician, family members, and all individuals that provide health, social, legal, or other services who wish to visit.
To retain personal possessions and clothing as space permits, so long as doing so would not complicate a medical condition or infringe on another resident's rights.
To participate in and meet with social, religious, and community groups.
To send and receive personal, unopened mail.
To associate and communicate privately with other individuals as desired.
To manage personal financial affairs or to delegate that task to another person of the resident's choosing.
To be fully informed of available services and related charges.
To be encouraged and assisted to exercise rights as a patient and as a citizen and to voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services to staff members or outside representatives without interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
Not to be required to perform services for the nursing home that are not included in the resident's plan of care.
If married, to be assured of privacy during spousal visits. If both spouses are residents of the nursing home, to be permitted to share a room, if medically feasible.
To be transferred or discharged only for medical reasons, or for the resident's own welfare or the welfare of other residents, or for nonpayment (except as prohibited by Medicaid), and to be given reasonable advance notice of transfer or discharge.
To be fully informed, as evidenced by a written acknowledgment, prior to or at the time of admission and during the stay, of all these rights and all rules and nursing home regulations that govern personal conduct and responsibilities.
In addition to these rights, click here to read the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 at which specifies what nursing homes must do to be in compliance with the law.
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When a loved one as been a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, you need an experienced law firm that will work hard to protect your loved one's rights. The attorneys at Edgar Snyder & Associates have been helping injury victims and their families for over 25 years. In addition, our highly-rated law firm has represented more than 30,000 injured people and has answered over 350,000 injury-related legal questions. Let us put this experience to work for you.
Nursing home abuse resources:
Free Legal Consultation
Choosing a Nursing Home
Nursing Home Abuse Phone Numbers
Nursing Home Abuse Websites
When Do You Need A Lawyer?
Nursing home legal information:
Rights of Nursing Home Residents
Nursing Home Reform Act
Frequently Asked Legal Questions
Nursing Home Facts
Effects of Understaffing
Nursing Homes' Profit Motive
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Copyright 2002-2009 NursingHomeAbuseResourceCenter.com is sponsored by the Law Offices of Edgar Snyder & Associates, A Law Firm Representing Injured People. Attorney Edgar Snyder & Associates has offices throughout Western Pennsylvania including locations in: Erie,PA; Johnstown,Penna; Ebensburg, Pennsylvania and Altoona, PA. All of our lawyers are licensed to practice law in the state of Pennsylvania. We also have attorneys licensed to practice law in the states of West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, New Jersey, and Virginia. Although this website is not intended to solicit clients for matters outside of the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, if you are injured in an accident, we have relationships with other personal injury attorneys and lawyers throughout the United States.
